
Thursday, 25 July 2013

Everything is important.. (^_^)

I  was packing and cleaning my stuff , those that I wanted to bring along with me to my hometown when a thought came to my mind. How am I  gonna  make all these junk fit into my brother's car?..I felt  panic for a moment there coz I know there is no way my brother won't be nagging me about about this.. my guess,The first thing that will come out of his mouth the moment he saw my things will be  " nak buat apa barng bayak2 ni?" which probably means a lot of thing like " do you really need all these stuff?  or where  did  all these stuff come from?  Or Why don't we  throw away half of these? Or maybe something,like " During my time, Mine was only half of these.'  or even "do you really think that all these stuff will fit into my car?" 
wehehe.. I really don't know what else will he be thinking about.. 
But there are a few things that I hope he understand

One, obviously I am a lady, what do you expect ? All of these things are MY PRECIOUS
Two, women ALWAYS have more than one pair of shoes,
Three, women MAY HAVE more than one bag
Four,  I wear baju kurung, I have a number of PAIRS..
Five, women NEVER want to be seen wearing the same cloth in the same week, this explained my two clothes-filled luggage.
Six,  women or maybe just me are quite sentimental when it comes to our belongings
Seven,we must ALWAYS think about our future, there will be one time when we will be needing the stuff that we think is not important or valuable now,
Eight, I threw away half of my things already, these are only those that i decided to keep
Nine, you are a man, you can't compare me with yourself
Ten,my sister-in-law lived in a hostel, that was why her stuff was not as many as mine.

want to  know how it went when my brother arrived ?
Well I gonna tell u anyway
As expected we went for iftar at that one restaurant where he usually goes during his study there, I don't wanna  be responsible for the future of that restaurant by mentioning its name coz truthfully I am a little bit disappointed myself, the food there is getting.. How should I put it.. Erm..less delicous?, I used to love this one dish form the menu.. Not anymore I guess..
Then.. Jalan2 kejap around Shah Alam.. My sis-in-law wanted to buy something.. I shamelessly asked for my birthday slash graduation present from my 0ni-chan... Then, I clearly told him before we separated later that night that ' barang orang banyak tau' translated to ' I have 2 luggage, 1 big box, 2 medium size boxes, 2 small size boxes, a detached shelf and  a bag of pillows ( which included gift-from- my -roomate-in- Mawar-gorilla pillow, gift-from- my -roomate-in- matric-garfield pillow n gift-from-iman-turquoise-case pillow, thanks guys!!)

Here comes the next day,
After 2 to 3 'relays' from my rumah sewa (rented house) in the 4th floor to his black-painted- car my brother started complaining..hehe
Well I already told him what to expect and as expected he was shocked and erm..started to nagg a little bit..
Something about never expect my things to be this many and they won't fit to the car so as the result.. I left behind my 2 boxes, my gift-from-friends  pillows, my laundry basket , iman's rice cooker and my 4 tier drawer..huhu.. i will come back for you guys..

 on our way back we came across a small forest fire at the highway

form backseat view

even the fire fighters haven't arrived yet

 after hours of back seat-sleeping, listening to songs, talking and  exchanging smile with my newly-learned-how-to-smile 1 year old nephew,  Baby Naufal,we safely arrived at my beloved-and-missed house at approximately 5pm...thanks to Abang My and Kak Mai for spending their precious cuti for their precious Adik.. love u all..


  1. Hahaha. Nice one on the list.. hehe.

  2. Couldn't agreed more. Enjoyed reading the list too!
